Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Freedom of Expression Essay - 1331 Words
One of the most controversial parts of the First Amendment of the US Constitution concerns freedom of expression. Some Americans, such as the Libertarians, feel there should be no censorship. On the other end of the spectrum are more conservative people, many religious, who believe there should be strict limits on what can be published. Most people would agree it is a bad idea to publish or put on the Internet the plans for homemade bombs, biological weapons, or other devices which may be used to kill or maim someone. But in the name of freedom of the press, this information is available. Censors would like to make this practice illegal, because it may facilitate a crime. Others say criminals will always find a way to do what†¦show more content†¦Another touchy area of censorship is national security. Some people think the government should be open and give out all the information it has about everything. Others realize, however, that in the interest of national security, there must be some things that remain secret, especially in the case of war and C.I.A. matters. A freedom of expression issue has come up in the last few weeks at Zeeland High School. A student was expelled for wearing a T-shirt with the name of the rock band Korn on it. The policy of the school is that no one can wear a shirt with Korn, Tool, or Marilyn Manson on it. The American Civil Liberties Union promptly offered the student a lawyer and said they would fight for his rights. However, another lawyer was quoted as saying, To think that any student has the same civil rights once they walk through the school door is absolutely untrue (Rupke 5). This idea was upheld in the Hazelwood decision, which said it was okay for a school administrator to remove stories from the school paper if he or she objected to them. Still another student was expelled last week from a Georgia high school for wearing a Pepsi shirt on Coke in Education Day. Administrators said it was embarrassing to them, because officials from the Coca-Cola company were at the school that day. Apparently high school students have little or no rights of expression or press while they are at school. Another question that is raised about freedom of speechShow MoreRelatedFreedom of Expression1919 Words  | 8 Pagesabove surely has been presented throughout history as an archetype of this concept, specifically noting freedom of expression as a right to which all hold possession. The assertion of this right is well represented in the Unites States Bill of Rights. Within that document the First Amendment specifically restricts governmental powers prohibiting any such law or act from abbreviating our freedom of speech . This keystone to the American Democratic System spawns dialogue and discourse which forms policyRead MoreThe Freedom And Freedom Of Expression1355 Words  | 6 PagesWhat drives immigrants to endure the perilous journey to the United States is precious freedom, and the chance of living the American dream. More commonly parents bring their children in hope for a greater standard of life. Undoubtedly there are better education opportunities that correspond directl y to better job opportunities. In other cases immigrants are seeking asylum from war-torn countries just trying to escape death by any means necessary. Extreme poverty is an epidemic in foreign countriesRead MoreNgos And Freedom Of Expression1719 Words  | 7 Pages NGOs and Freedom of Expression NGOs are significant actors in defending the human right to freedom of expression worldwide. The right to freedom of expression is entrenched in international law through the following: Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): â€Å"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless ofRead MoreThe Issue Of Freedom Of Expression1277 Words  | 6 PagesEverything that we consider to be freedom of expression such as, Freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, petition, and of association are all protected by our First Amendment. The Supreme Court has previously said that this freedom is the matrix, the indispensable condition of nearly every other form of freedom. Without this, all other constitutional rights like the right to vote, would wither and die. Despite being the First of twenty-seven amendments in our constitutional hierarchy, theRead MoreSpeech On Freedom Of Expression1552 Words  | 7 PagesIs freedom of expression really a right of American citizens, and if so, are there any limits? To start off, freedom of expression is the r ight to express ones ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication, but without deliberately causing harm to others character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. There is no such thing as full freedom of expression. There are many articles and laws stating that a person has complete and utter freedom ofRead MoreFreedom Of Speech And Expression1198 Words  | 5 PagesIII. Freedom of speech and expression The freedom of speech and expression is a cherished human right which has worldwide acceptance. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights through Article19, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights through Article 19, the European Convention on Human Rights through Article 19 etc. recognize this right as a human right. But it is not clear whether the right to use loudspeaker forms part of this right. Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian ConstitutionRead More Freedom Of Expression Essay748 Words  | 3 Pages Freedom of Expression: All people in the United States are guaranteed this right by the Constitution. Students, however, do not have this right to the same extent as adults. This is because public schools are required to protect all students at the school. The major aspects of this right are speech and dress. Both the right to speech and dress are not absolute in public high schools. According to the American Civil Liberties Union: quot;You (students) have a right to express your opinions as longRead MoreFreedom Of Speech And Expression Essay974 Words  | 4 Pagesthe State of Punjab, Fram Nusserwanji v. State of Bombay, Chandardeo v. State of Bihar, Tozam-mal v. Government of Bengal, etc., the laws related to press ultra vires to the constitution were quashed. Article 19(1) (a), freedom of speech and expression which also includes freedom of press is with the restrictions provided in Article 19(2) of the Constitution. When the constitution was enacted, Article 19 contained only following restrictions: 1. Libel, slander and defamation 2. Contempt of courtRead MorePrivacy And Freedom Of Expression2447 Words  | 10 Pages Privacy and freedom of expression are both vital in the preservation of society. In stating this one must be acutely aware of the medias role in directly advocating for freedom of expression over an individual’s right to privacy. In AG v Guardian Newspapers, Lord Geoff states that ‘freedom of expression has existed in this country perhaps as long, if not longer, than it has existed in any other country in the world’ . Nevertheless these rights must be balanced and applied in a manner which isRead MoreFreedom of Expression Essay519 Words  | 3 PagesFreedom of Expression Freedom of expression, and open access to media, are as fundamental to the survival of Progress as the sun and rain are to the survival of planet Earth. Yet censorship remains a traditional response of any group that finds itself offended at anothers message or creative indulgence. The argument that because they serve the public interest, media should willingly accept a moral arbiter to decide what will and what will not be disseminated is both uninformed and dangerous
Monday, December 16, 2019
Analysis on Mulan and the Twilight Saga Free Essays
Women are to be beautiful, curvy, delicate, poised, graceful, refined, thin, curvy, quiet, demure and polite. Men are portrayed as the leaders of society, whereas women are only there to give birth to children. Manual is graceful, calm, and unique she is also beautiful and cur,y, Just like society wants. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis on Mulan and the Twilight Saga or any similar topic only for you Order Now But that is where it stops. Unlike society wishes, she is not quiet, demure, or delicate. Instead she is intelligent, strong, and independent and is not afraid to be what she wants to be. And therefore, when the mime came when she did not want her father to lose his life in battle, she goes against society’s standards when it comes to women on the battlefield and disguises herself as a man to be able to Join the army. She proves that she is Just as capable as a man by Joining the army and doing the same things the men do at training camp, If not more. But by the end of the movie, she saves the country. Feminists hope that people’s outlook on female roles and equality will change for the better, and In some ways the hope lies with the media. Books, movies, poems, songs, TV shows and any there types of influences on the public are their hope In delivering their message. Manual is an animated movie that many kids watch and enjoy from a young age. At a young age they start to develop opinions about everything they Interact with. Therefore, developing a movie like Manual will Influence the children to treat females as equals. The treatment of females will be Improved through the next generation. This will help the feminists with their cause. Twilight Throughout the story, Bella Swan does not have trouble coming to a decision as all ere decisions are based on the fact If a decision will bring her closer to Edward or help him. Her choices are not based on her benefits or what will help her, which portrays the sexist outlook of women – weak, obedient, and not equal – which has been shown throughout history. In New Moon, when Edward leaves Bella, she does everything In her power to be able to see Edward, from rolling a motorcycle recklessly to Jumping Off cliff Into stormy waves. This also shows that women are nothing without men, which Is not what the fervently movement wants. Yes the love they had for each other and the devotion that was expressed In the novel was well-played, but the weakness of the female lead does not push society to accept woman as equals economically, politically, or socially. This book does not promote female equality but Instead female Inequality. Furthermore, Bella relies on Edward for her to live and on Jacob In New Moon. Analysis on Manual and the Twilight Saga Through a Feminist Point of View By Chocolate’s beautiful and curvy, Just like society wants. But that is where it stops. Unlike society y Joining the army and doing the same things the men do at training camp, if not people’s outlook on female roles and equality will change for the better, and in some other types of influences on the public are their hope in delivering their message. Young age they start to develop opinions about everything they interact with. Therefore, developing a movie like Manual will influence the children to treat females as equals. The treatment of females will be improved through the next generation. Throughout the story, Bella Swan does not have trouble coming to a decision as all ere decisions are based on the fact if a decision will bring her closer to Edward or everything in her power to be able to see Edward, from riding a motorcycle recklessly to Jumping off a cliff into stormy waves. This also shows that women are nothing without men, which is not what the feminist movement wants. Yes the love they had for each other and the devotion that was expressed in the novel was well-played, but instead female inequality. Furthermore, Bella relies on Edward for her to live and on Jacob in New Moon. How to cite Analysis on Mulan and the Twilight Saga, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Flash Fiction Story free essay sample
I sped down the hill towards the jump. I remember hitting the crest, soaring into the air and touching down gently on the other side. I was ecstatic. I had finally done it. I was so close to backing away and going through another year of disappointment. It was the last day of the season, and I was heading up to the ski hill alone. Today was the day I said to myself. Of course Id been saying It to myself every day for the past few weeks, but today really was the day.There was going to be no fooling around today, no waiting until the last run to make my attempt. This was the day I would finally land a backfill. Suddenly, I was there, at the top of the runway for the Jump. Nervously shaking and fidgeting. I wanted to do It so badly, but all that was going through my head was; what If I hurt myself? What If I get made fun of? What If I look Like an Dildo? These were the same thoughts that had raced through my head every time I had stood here. We will write a custom essay sample on Flash Fiction Story or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Eventually I always decided against trying the trick, and skied off.But there was always that burning desire to land it, at least once, searing in the back of my mind. And it would be there as long as I didnt at least try. Then, someone appeared next to me, waiting in line, waiting for me to go. It was now or never, either I back down like I always have or finally man up and attempt the backfill. I set off towards the Jump, picking up speed quickly as I raced down the hill. Time seemed to slow down as I approached the Jump, was I really going to do it?I could visualize myself going through the steps, throwing my head back, following through with my body, spotting the landing, and bringing my legs around just in time to drop down on the snow. There was no turning back now. I flew off the jump like an eagle taking flight, spun gracefully and stomped the landing way down the hill. I had done it, and I was alive! I had lived to tell the tale. Though it may seem a bit ridiculous, the only thing going through my head was; what took me so long?
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Kusatex Finest Textiles free essay sample
The owner of this company is Shafiqurrahman Shamsuddin @ Shafiq that holds a Bachelor Degree in Accounting and Statistics from London and pursued his MBA in Anglia Business School of Cambridge. Before Shafiq established this company, he lead the Business Development Department of RADICARE Group of Companies that provides non-clinical support services to hospitals, medical institutions and healthcare professionals. He also holds various positions in UMNO association since 2002 until 2009. Before he starts the Kusatex Finest Textiles company, he established the first company which is ISBEC Sdn Bhd that located in KEDA Industrial Park in Jeniang, Sik, Kedah at the year 2002. This company was used as like the RADICARE’s management to solve the company’s service in healthcare and hospitality industries. In early 2000, the government was launching a scheme of ‘1 Village 1 Product’ and Shafiq was expanded his business as a manufacturing company in 2003 using a different license from ISBEC Sdn Bhd based on that scheme as proposed by the Ministry of Finance. We will write a custom essay sample on Kusatex Finest Textiles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Not long after that, he started the Kusatex Finest Textiles company as his first fabric weaving factory in Bandar Darulaman, Jitra, Kedah. This company is an expertise in manufacturing and producing high quality fabric products which include uniforms, towels, linen and bedding to government departments and the private sector. In 2004, the factory moved to KEDA Industrial Park in Napoh near Jitra with a wider acreage and operated from there until today to increase the demand of customers and production. KUSATEX was supply the army, navy, air force, hospitals, fire bridge and PLKN uniforms, towels, bed sheets and others. Mr.Shafiq is very strict in managing his people. He wants his staff to follow job procedure and ensure the work done with adequate preparation. He is also very concerned and critical about job documentation and make sure all the works be documented and kept in proper place. He motivates his management staff by giving motivational talks to them. Moreover, Mr. Shafiq interacts with his staffs from all levels of works from management to factory worker’s level. This made his staff feel appreciated and motivated to work for The issue that we can obtained from the case is the lack of interest among the entrepreneurs, the product (bed protector) did not get the approval from the SIRIM, they are not allowed to enter tender related to business in sewing, his workers of the Kusatex are not skillful, KUSATEX have problem to get the financial support, they also have problem in entering the private sector market that related to their products and they has difficulties in planning the strategy to market their product and also to build collaboration. When the product was tested by SIRIM, it failed to meet the standard that has been set by SIRIM. Therefore, KUSATEX have to import products from other countries like USA. Moreover, before Kusatex was established, ISBEC is a company that operates for weaving. That particular company cannot precede their business in sewing scope because before this, ISBEC was licensed under Ministry of Finance but not for sewing. So, when they want to enter the tender related to the business for sewing, they are not allowed to do so because they do not have any code for that purpose.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Krapps Last Tape and the Futility of Human Existence Essays
Krapps Last Tape and the Futility of Human Existence Essays Krapps Last Tape and the Futility of Human Existence Paper Krapps Last Tape and the Futility of Human Existence Paper Question: Absurdist drama is often said to be a critique of the human existence, that the situation is often meaningless and absurd. Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape is a typical absurdist drama. How does Beckett, through the use of language, setting and the character Krapp, highlight the futility of the human existence in this particular drama? Absurdist drama originated in the 1950s and follows Albert Camus’s philosophy that the human situation is meaningless and absurd (Culik). As such, absurdist drama is, in a sense, absurd. It follows none of the typical rules of modern drama, and that is in fact its true intention, to go against the norm so as to surprise or shock readers out of their comfort zone, to force people to confront the weaknesses and hopelessness of mankind. Many components of an absurdist drama will be seen as illogical, ridiculous or mundane. Samuel Beckett’s drama, Krapp’s Last Tape, is an excellent example of an absurdist drama. Perhaps the first thing that the audience is drawn to, when reading the play at least, is the setting itself. Beckett goes to great length to describe how he wishes the setting to be, right down to the last trivial detail of Krapp’s clothes. â€Å"Rusty black narrow trousers too short for him. Rusty black sleeveless waistcoat, four capacious pockets. Heavy silver watch and chain. Grimy white shirt open at nick, no collar. †Beckett further describes Krapp’s slow, laborious actions in a lengthy and monotonous manner. â€Å"Krapp remains a moment motionless, heaves a great sigh, looks at his watch, fumbles in his pocket, takes out an envelope, puts it back, fumbles, takes out a small bunch of keys Indeed, Krapp himself is a source of ridicule, for he is poorly dressed, slow, clumsy and even almost trips on a banana skin that he tosses on the ground. One must note, however, that despite Krapp’s frailties, Beckett constantly reminds the audience that Krapp is a â€Å"thinker†, from his constant pacing to his â€Å"meditative†way of eating banana. Hence , by putting together both messages, Krapp epitomizes the proverbial unsuccessful scholar, the intellectual who tries to survive on idealism but soon realizes that cold hard truth of reality. Indeed, Beckett has foreshadowed the later parts of this drama with this initial hint of who Krapp is as a person, and the reader learns much later that Krapp is in fact a failed writer bemoaning the mistakes he made when he was young. In essence, Beckett’s portrayal of Krapp is as a symbol of ridicule, and made even more ridiculous from the fact that Krapp is supposed to be of considerable intellect. Hence one sees the first example, right from the beginning, of an absurdist piece. Beckett further uses a minimalist setting for a reason. The stark empty space present in a minimalist setting serves to highlight to the audience that there is no one else in the room, for Krapp is there, alone in his own solitude. The audience focuses on Krapp and only Krapp, which is the essence of absurdist drama; for the audience to focus on the human so as to realize, throughout the course of the drama, the futility of the human existence. Interesting too, is Beckett’s use of lighting in the drama. He specifies, above all, that: â€Å"Table and immediately adjacent area in strong white light. Rest of stage in darkness. †Light and darkness has often been used as an allegory to success and failure, knowledge and ignorance. By putting Krapp in the light and the rest of the stage in the dark, it would appear that Beckett is attempting to portray Krapp as having had the knowledge to succeed in life, hence Beckett’s choice to have light and darkness on the stage as a stark comparison as opposed to having the stage fully lighted. However, one soon suspects, and later realizes, that Krapp is anything but successful. Hence, the audience realizes the irony of the situation; Beckett’s use of light to portray Krapp’s dark life shows a yearning for a success that never came, and this is in fact the case, which the audience sees later. The themes of light and darkness are shown repeatedly throughout the entire play, as shall be discussed later. With regards to the drama itself, reminiscence on the part of Krapp is a major theme. The audience is introduced to a total of three Krapps, all different from one another. Hence the audience is able to view each Krapp as being detached from one another, in an intense separation of self (Lagier). Sixty-nine year old Krapp listens to a tape made by his thirty-nine year old self, in which his thirty-nine year old self muses on his actions when he was twenty-nine. To deduce exactly what Krapp is reminiscing about, the audience must listen closely to the content of the narration, as well as the present day Krapp’s reactions to it. Twenty-nine year old Krapp, as recounted by his thirty-nine year old self, was living with a woman named Bianca, whom twenty-nine year old Krapp described as â€Å"hopeless business†. Thirty-nine year old Krapp derides his twenty-nine year old self for being â€Å"young whelp†, for making aspirations and resolutions like to drink less and to have a â€Å"less engrossing sexual life†. Thirty-nine year old Krapp believes that Bianca and the above resolutions are silly, for he â€Å"sneers at what he calls his youth and thanks to God that it’s over†. Twenty-nine year old Krapp then talks about the â€Å"shadow of the opus magnum†, which in essence belies his desire to be a great and successful writer, to publish an amazing and impressive piece of work that none will rival. This, thirty-nine year old Krapp appears to concur fully; in fact, he describes a moment of epiphany that he has when he is thirty-nine. â€Å"What I suddenly saw then was this, that the belief I had been going on all my life, namely-†â€Å"The dark I have always struggled to keep under is in reality my most-†Once again the theme of light and darkness emerges, and Krapp believes that he has seen the light, seen the truth of what must be done in order to achieve the â€Å"shadow of the opus magnum†that he talked about when he was twenty-nine. To do so, Krapp must accept the darkness that is manifest in him, instead of trying to keep it under wraps, as seen when he says â€Å"my dissolution of storm and night with the light of the understanding and the fire-†. The audience, however, should be wary, as is Beckett’s intention in portraying enlightenment through the acceptance of darkness. This blatant contradiction stands in fact for the irony of Krapp’s situation; he believes that by giving up love and companionship, and hence embracing darkness, he will be able to attain success. It should be evident to the audience that such logic is clearly absurd, and Krapp realizes this much later when he is sixty-nine. Hearing his thirty-nine year old self talk about his visions of grandeur disgusts the present Krapp, as is seen by his swearing and fast-forwarding of the tape. â€Å"Krapp switches off impatiently, winds tape forward, switches on again. †Later, as is customary of Krapp’s birthday, he makes a fresh tape and curses himself for being a fool. â€Å"Just been listening to that stupid bastard I took myself for thirty years ago, hard to believe I was ever as bad as that. The scene poignantly reminds the audience of the thirty-nine year old Krapp mocking his twenty-nine year old self, much like the present day Krapp is mocking his thirty-nine year old self. What is starkly different, however, is that sixty-nine year old Krapp is now mocking his thirty-nine year old self for something his thirty-nine year old self derided himself for doing at twent y-nine; for being with Bianca, or perhaps, for the companionship and humanity that Bianca symbolizes, for what his thirty-nine year old self swore to give up. In essence, the present Krapp realizes that he has spent thirty years pursuing a dream of writing, with little achievement of speak of. His â€Å"shadow of the opus magnum†, his great literary vision, is nothing more than â€Å"Seventeen copies sold, of which eleven at trade price to free circulating libraries beyond the seas. Getting known. One pound six and something, eight I have little doubt. †On a higher level, one may perhaps see this as Beckett’s warning to society about the frailties of mankind, and how one will fail more often than succeed. Human beings are selfish and self centred, and are forever striving to achieve ever greater heights, resulting in ever greater failures, which is clearly illustrated in the case of Krapp. The Absurdist Theatre, as such, paints this thoroughly pessimistic picture of the existence of human kind. A second major theme present in the drama is that of solitude and isolation. This isolation can be considered a self-imposed one, a result of Krapp turning away from the women in his life when he was younger. There are two instances of this, one when Krapp was aged twenty-nine and the woman was called Bianca, and one when Krapp was aged thirty-nine. It is clear that Krapp regrets his situation. Both sixty-nine year old Krapp and thirty-nine year old Krapp jeer at his younger self, and one can consider these Krapps ‘‘emotional bananas†, in which Krapp attempts to ‘‘stop up’’ any regrets he may feel through mockery (Moran). However, his actions give him away, for Krapp cannot forget the women, or rather, the symbol of humanity he gave up. â€Å"Krapp switches off, winds tape back, switches on again. Whereas Krapp impatiently fast-forwards the parts of him musing about his epiphanies, he listens intently and repeatedly to his memories of the woman he used to have. He then belatedly muses what could have happened if he had not chosen to turn her away. â€Å"Could have been happy with her, up there on the Baltic, and the pines, and the dunes. Could I? †He realizes that he has made a horrible mistake, choosing his delusions of grandeur over love, and is now left with nothing except superficial sex from the whore Fanny, which he once again mocks. I told her I’d been saving up for her all my life. †Also present are many literary obscurities that Beckett uses throughout the play. The presence of bananas, for one, plays a bigger role than being a mere food. Beckett chooses to add an element of physical degeneration in the play to complement that of Krapp’s spiritual degeneration; Krapp’s fondness for bananas causes him to suffer from a bowel problem. Twenty-nine year old Krapp had â€Å"unattainable laxation†, thirty-nine year old Krapp ate â€Å"three bananas and only with difficulty refrained a fourth†. At the beginning of the play, sixty-nine year old Krapp had eaten two bananas already. It is easy to see that the bananas are symbolic. Krapp eats so many bananas even though they make his constipation problem worse as a form of escapism; he wishes to bury his emotions within him even as his stool stays stubbornly within his body. This is similar to the way thirty-nine year old Krapp resolves to bury his emotions, end his relationships with women and retreat into a life of solitude with the false hope that doing so would allow him to achieve his â€Å"shadow of the opus magnum†. Ironically, or perhaps aptly, Krapp’s last name sounds remarkably similar to the word â€Å"crap†, which means to defecate. This is yet one more example Beckett utilizes to make Krapp an object of ridicule; he cannot achieve laxation even though his name suggests the very same thing. Krapp also appears to place special emphasis on the word â€Å"spool†. While it is entirely possible that Beckett has Krapp repeat the word over and over, drawing it out, in order to make Krapp seem even more absurd so as to fit the character he is playing, the word â€Å"spool†, and even all the tapes in Krapp’s boxes, may in fact have special significance to Krapp. Indeed, it appears that Krapp has been documenting his life every birthday in an individual spool, perhaps in hope that in the future, he would be able to look back and reminisce about the evolutions of his success. The real reason for Krapp’s documentation of his past, however, may be the simple fact that he has become so detached from the others that the only way he may hear a voice speak, is to hear his own voice. Hence, Krapp guards his tapes and boxes zealously, labelling them carefully, because they are the only connection he has left to humanity, the only method he has to break the monotony of his solitude. In retrospect, Krapp’s Last Tape does an excellent portrayal of a very real fear that society, caught up in fulfilment of never-ending wants and desires, will result in a generation of people who lead a meaningless existence, finding all too often that instead of achieving their desires, they not only fail to do so, they also lose whatever speck of humanity they had in them. All too often, they find themselves alone in their old age, having turned away or denied companionship in the mistaken thought that it would prevent them from attaining their ideals. Overall, this presents a powerful issue for one to consider. Still, one should note that while Absurdist Theatre is thoroughly pessimistic, it may not always be representative of the real situation. Hence, cone can disagree that the human situation is always meaningless and absurd, but concur to the possibility of one leading a meaningless existence as a result of misjudgements.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Understanding the Big Five Personality Traits
Understanding the Big Five Personality Traits Todays psychologists agree that personality can be described by five broad traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Together, these traits make up the five-factor model of personality known as the Big Five. Key Takeaways: Big Five Personality Traits The Big Five personality traits are openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.Each trait represents a continuum. Individuals can fall anywhere on the continuum for each trait.Evidence suggests that personality is highly stable during adulthood, although small changes may be possible. Origin of the Big Five Model The Big Five, as well as other models that specify human personality traits, arises from the lexical hypothesis, which was first proposed by Francis Galton in the 1800s. The lexical hypothesis states that every natural language contains all the personality descriptions that are relevant and important to the speakers of that language. In 1936, pioneering psychologist Gordon Allport and his colleague Henry Odbert explored this hypothesis by going through an unabridged English dictionary and creating a list of 18,000 words related to individual differences. Approximately 4,500 of those terms reflected personality traits. This sprawling set of terms gave psychologists interested in the lexical hypothesis a place to start, but it wasnt useful for research, so other scholars attempted to narrow the set of words down. Eventually, in the 1940s, Raymond Cattell and his colleagues used statistical methods to reduce the list to a set of only 16 traits. Several additional scholars analyzed Cattell’s work, including Donald Fiske in 1949, and they all came to a similar conclusion: the data contained a strong, stable set of five traits. However, it wasnt until the 1980s that the Big Five began to receive wider scholarly attention. Today, the Big Five is a ubiquitous part of psychology research, and psychologists largely agree that personality can be grouped into the five basic traits specified by the Big Five. The Big Five Traits Each Big Five trait represents a continuum. For example, the trait of extraversion’s opposite is introversion. Together, extraversion and introversion make up opposing ends of a spectrum for that Big Five trait. People can be very extraverted or very introverted, but most people will fall somewhere in between the extremes of the spectrum. Its also important to remember that each trait of the Big Five is very broad, representing a cluster of many personality characteristics. These characteristics are more specific and granular than each of the five traits as a whole. Thus, each trait can be defined in general and also broken down into several facets. Openness to Experience If you possess high openness to experience, you are open to all the original and complex things life has to offer, both experientially and mentally. The opposite of openness to experience is close-mindedness. Individuals with this trait are usually: CuriousImaginativeArtisticInterested in many thingsExcitableUnconventional Conscientiousness Conscientiousness means having good impulse control, which enables individuals to fulfill tasks and meet goals. Conscientious behavior includes planning and organization, delaying gratification, avoiding compulsive action, and following cultural norms. The opposite of conscientiousness is lack of direction. Key facets of conscientiousness include: CompetenceOrder, or organizational skillsDutifulness, or a lack of carelessnessAchievement through hard workSelf-disciplineBeing deliberate and controlled Extraversion Extraverted individuals who draws their energy from their interactions with the social world. Extraverts are sociable, talkative, and outgoing. The opposite of extraversion is introversion. Extraverts are typically: GregariousAssertiveActiveExcitement-seekingEmotionally positive and enthusiasticWarm and outgoing Agreeableness The trait of agreeableness refers to a positive and altruistic orientation. This trait enables individuals to see the best in others, trust others, and behave prosocially. The opposite of agreeableness is antagonism. Agreeable people are often: Trusting and forgivingStraightforward and undemandingAltruisticAffable and amenableModestSympathetic to others Neuroticism Neuroticism refers to a tendency towards negative emotions and includes experiences like feeling anxious and depressed. The opposite of neuroticism is emotional stability. Key facets of neuroticism include: Anxiety and tensionAngry hostility and irritability,Depression,Self-consciousness and shyness,Being impulsive and moodyLack of self-confidence The acronym OCEAN is a handy device for the traits specified by the Big Five. Can Personality Be Changed? Personality traits tend to be highly stable during adulthood. While some gradual shifts in personality traits may be possible, these shifts are generally not drastic. In other words, if an individual is low on the trait of extraversion (meaning they are more introverted than extraverted), they are likely to stay that way, though they may become slightly more or less extraverted over time. This consistency is partially explained by genetics, which plays a significant role in the traits one develops. For example, one twin study showed that when the Big Five personality traits of identical and fraternal twins were assessed, the influence of genetics was 61% for openness to experience, 44% for conscientiousness, 53% for extraversion, and 41% for both agreeableness and neuroticism. Environment may indirectly reinforce inherited traits as well. For instance, in creating an environment that works with their own traits, parents also create an environment that works with their children’s traits. Similarly, as adults, people choose environments that reinforce and support their traits. The Big Five in Childhood Research on the Big Five has been criticized in the past for focusing primarily on adult personality development and ignoring the development of these traits in children. Yet, recent research has shown that children as young as five have the ability to describe their personality and that by six, children begin to show consistency and stability in the traits of conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness. Two other studies showed that while the Big Five seems to manifest in children, childrens personalities may also include additional traits. One study of American adolescent boys found that in addition to the Big Five traits, participants also displayed two additional traits. The researchers labeled these as irritability (negative affect that led to developmentally inappropriate behaviors like whining and tantrums) and activity (energy and physical activity). Another study of Dutch children of both sexes between the ages of 3 and 16 also found two additional personality traits. While one was similar to the activity trait found in the previously discussed study, the other, dependency (relying on others), was different. Age Differences in Personality Traits Research has suggested the Big Five traits evolve with age over the life span. In an analysis of 92 longitudinal studies that examined changes in personality traits from youth to old age, scholars found that people became more conscientious, less neurotic, and increase in social dominance, a facet of extraversion, as they get older. People also became more agreeable in old age. And while adolescents were more open to experience and demonstrated greater social vitality, another facet of extraversion, especially during the college years, people decreased in these traits during old age. Sources Allport, Gordon W. and Henry S. Odbert. â€Å"Trait-Names: A Psycho-Lexical Study.†Psychological Monographs, vol. 47, no. 1, 1936, pp. i-171. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0093360Cattell, Raymond B. â€Å"The description of Personality: Basic Traits Resolved Into Clusters.†Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, vol. 38, vol. 4, 1943, pp. 476-506. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0054116Costa, Paul T., and Robert R. McCrae. â€Å"The NEO-PI-R: Professional Manual.†Psychological Assessment Resources, 1992. sjdm.org/dmidi/NEO_PI-R.htmlDigman, John M. â€Å"Personality Structure: Emergence of the Five-Factor Model.†Annual Review of Psychology, vol. 41, 1990, pp. 417-440. http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.ps.41.020190.002221Fiske, Donald W. â€Å"Consistency of the Factorial Structures of Personality Ratings from Difference Sources.†Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, vol. 44, 1949, pp. 329-344. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0057198Jang, Kerry J., Jo hn Livesley, and Philip A. Vernon. â€Å"Heritability of the Big Five Personality Dimensions and Their Facets: A Twin Study.†Journal of Personality, vol. 64, no. 3, 1996, pp. 577-592. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6494.1996.tb00522.x John, Oliver P., Avshalom Caspi, Richard W. Robins, Terrie E. Moffitt, and Magda Stouthamer-Loeber. â€Å"The ‘Little Five’: Exploring The Nomological Network of the Five-Factor Model of Personality in Adolescent Boys. Child Development, vol. 65, 1994, pp. 160-178. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8624.1994.tb00742.xJohn, Oliver P., Laura P. Naumann, and Christopher J. Soto. â€Å"Paradigm Shift to the Integrative Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History, Measurement, and Conceptual Issues.†Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research, 3rd ed., edited by Oliver P. John, Richard W. Robins, and Lawrence A. Pervin, The Guilford Press, 2008, pp. 114-158.John, Oliver P. and Sanjay Srivastava. â€Å"The Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History, Measurement, and Theoretical Perspectives.†Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research, 2nd ed., edited by Lawrence A. Pervin, and Oliver P. John, The Guilford Press, 1999, pp. 102-138.McAdams, Dan P. â€Å"Can Personality Change? Leve ls of Stability and Growth In Personality Across the Life Span.†Can Personality Change? edited by Todd F. Heatherton and Joel L. Weinberger, American Psychological Association, 1994, pp. 299-313. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/10143-027 McAdams, Dan. The Person: An Introduction to the Science of Personality Psychology. 5th ed., Wiley, 2008.Measelle, Jeffrey R., Oliver P. John, Jennifer C. Ablow, Philip A. Cowan, and Carolyn P. Cowan. â€Å"Can Children Provide Coherent, Stable, and Valid Self-Reports on the Big Five Dimensions? A Longitudinal Study from Ages 5 to 7. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 89, 2005, pp. 90-106. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.89.1.90Roberts, Brent W., Kate E. Walton, and Wolfgang Viechtbauer. â€Å"Patterns of Mean-Level Change in Personality Traits Across the Life Course: A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies.†Psychological Bulletin, vol. 132. No. 1, 2006, pp. 1-35. Van Lieshout, Cornelis F. M. and Gerbert J. T. Haselager. â€Å"The Big Five Personality Factors in Q-Sort Descriptions of Children and Adolescents.†The Developing Structure of Temperament and Personality From Infancy to Adulthood, edited by Charles F. Halverson, Gedolph A. Kohnstamm, and Roy P. Martin, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1994, pp. 293-318.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Justify Research Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Justify Research Design - Essay Example Thus among the different forensic methods , a few of them are used often . This necessitates the need to identify and upgrade those particular forensic methods , that are most utilized . The proposed research intends to evaluate the utility of the different Forensic disciplines and compare their contribution to crime resolution in major departments like United States – army , navy and air force investigative services . The identity of the frequently used forensic method would be used to improve or upgrade them . In order to have an accurate evaluation of the most utilized forensic method , the research design proposed is the Quantitative method . Quantitative research is systematic approach that is objective and formal in nature . In this quantitative research information are extracted in the numerical form . As stated by Guba & Lincoln (2005) , â€Å"the quantitative methodology is based on the positivist paradigm of knowledge†. Data collection in quantitative method could be by survey or tracking or experimental . This research chooses to collect the data by the tracking method . In this tracking method , the usage of different forensic methods are to be tracked and recorded so that they could be analyzed statistically . It has been proposed to collect the data form the Federal lab in United States . Also , a large sample size of the data source , helps in accurate deduction of the research outcome . The quantitative variable that has been proposed to be measured is the usage or utility rate of the forensic methods . This variable has to be measured with the help of ordinal scale which is a pre defined numerical that could be used to represent the extend of use of that forensic method . The ordinal scale may be chosen to be like this : 1 - seldom used , 2- fairly used , 3 moderately used , 4 – highly used , 5 – frequently used
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Eco-tourism Environmentally friendly resort development business plan Essay
Eco-tourism Environmentally friendly resort development business plan - Essay Example is a relatively new trend in the tourism industry, has taken many travelers to various remote corners of the world, exposing them to many diverse wildlife and cultures that have been developing in relative isolation from the modern world, consequently making ecotourism one of the most interesting and therefore fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry (Ibid.). Costa Rica, unlike the other so-called Third World countries which are focusing on rapid urbanization and industrialization, has turned to ecotourism and considered it as its key to its goal of economic development (Dulude, 2000). Despite its relative smallness compared to other countries in Central America, Costa Rica is home to an incredible biodiversity highlighted by scenic beaches, lush rain forests, impressive volcanoes and a very exotic wildlife, with its tourist industry bringing in about one million visitors a year and generating approximately $1 billion annually, making tourism Costa Rica’s second largest income generator after the silicon chip production industry (Ibid.). Further, Costa Rica also has the following features which make it an ideal country for ecotourism, which also rationalize this paper’s overall concept of an eco-friendly resort business in the country, as follows: 1. Rich biodiversity. Costa Rica has an incredible biodiversity that can offer tourists – foreign and local alike – with a glimpse of mountains and volcanoes, as well as beaches and lush green rainforests that are all located within a relatively small region in the country (Garen, 2000). According to Lizano (2000, p17), there are about twenty-four national parks in Costa Rica that are covering its diverse flora and fauna, covering about twenty-one percent of the country’s territory, which includes twenty-eight percent of the country’s Indian reserves. 2. Strategic Location. Costa Rica is situated closely to the United States (US), which makes it ideal and strategic for its tourist industry, giving
Saturday, November 16, 2019
China and Russian Mongol FRQ Essay Example for Free
China and Russian Mongol FRQ Essay The Mongolian rule had a very direct impact and influence in China and Russia in terms of political and economical structure. Although the Mongols were not as evident in the Golden Horde region, they still impacted Russia just as much as they did in the Yuan district in China. In both China and Russia, the Mongols left their mark by placing high taxes on peasants, taking full control over trade through the Silk Road, and increasing international diplomacy through various methods, creating Pax Mongolica. Although Mongolian rule fell long ago, its influence can still be seen today. In Russia and China, the Mongol era brought a change in political power. The Khans, or â€Å"Great Leaders†, ruled both places, although not equally. China was directly ruled by the Mongols, seeing that China hosted them in the Yuan province, while Russia was given a sense of self rule. The Mongols still claimed taxes and sought goods from Russia, but did not actually occupy it as they did in China. The lack of occupancy in Russia eventually led to the downfall of the Mongol rule there seeing that there was no opposing force to govern them, thus putting power back to the Russians, and creating what we know Russia as today. Not only was the political aspect of China and Russia influenced, but the economy was influenced as well. The conquests of Kublai Khan and his successors joined the Eastern world with the Western world by the use of the Silk Road, which served as a trade route. The Silk Road connected trade centers spanning across Asia and Europe reaching from the Golden Horde to the Yuan province. The trade route, while under strict protection of the Mongols, increased Eurasian trade of goods, beliefs, and disease. The Silk Road spread silk, porcelain, and gun powder from China as well as Buddhism, and the plague. The goods that came and went through the trade route were taxed heavily along with the peasants that resided in each region. The high taxes served as income for the Mongols to use towards warfare, necessities, and indulgences. The Silk Road, by bringing in and sending out new ideas and goods, spread international diplomacy. In the case of China, the Silk Road brought in ambassadors from the Middle East amongst other regions, thereby increasing and instilling a sense of Pax Mongolica. In conclusion, the Mongols influence on China and Russia shaped them into what they are today. The Mongols achieved their greatness by taxing the poor in order to support their army, making the Silk Road their own, and accumulating international diplomacy and instilling Pax Mongolica.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
gatdream Blurry Dreams in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays
Blurry Dreams in The Great Gatsby The American Dream is a path people set out upon in order to achieve a goal, usually pertaining to the acquirement of stability and security. The dreams of these people were followed through with strong hope and perseverance. Yet, during the period of the 1920's, this dream was obstructed by the need for materialistic power. Scott Fitzgerald portrays this destruction of the American Dream through the main character, Jay Gatsby, in his novel The Great Gatsby. Gatsby longs to rekindle a past romance with his love Daisy Buchanan, but this dream is obliterated by his greed of wanting more of something he never could have. Jay Gatsby destroys the chance of living a normal, healthy life when he decides that he must reach an unattainable goal, having Daisy as his wife. Yet, Gatsby hadn't always lived his life as a man in search of an abundance of what was presented to him. This is made apparent in the end of the novel at his own funeral, when Gatsby's father, Mr.Gatz, presents Nick Carraway, the narrator of the novel with a keepsake from Gatsby's childhood. The object is a journal of resolves that Gatsby had listed for himself to accomplish. Most of these goals were in reach of accomplishment, making it very capable of Gatsby to achieve his aspirations without fail. Mr. Gatz, marveling at the ambition Gatsby held for himself, "read each item aloud and then look[ed] eagerly at me. I think he rather expected me to copy down the list for my own use" (182). This statement shows how Mr. Gatz does believe in his son's old dreams of trying to better himself as a person. This goal, with work, see med attainable and most likely to happen, but a stronger outside force of money pushed Gatsby in another direction. Gatsby's early goals of manner and such seemed picayune in a society run by wealth and materialistic power. Therefore, in order to survive in this society, he changed himself from a man born under the poor family name James Gatz, to the falsely commended Jay Gatsby. His drive to succeed in the world was so strong that Gatsby went through illegal measures of bootlegging.
Monday, November 11, 2019
MBA Program
Nowadays every person is striving to be well-educated and intelligent in order to survive in contemporary world and to gain certain success. To become successful means to develop personal qualification and skills such as, for example, awareness, assertiveness, attentiveness, creative thinking and critical thinking.MBA Program course is extremely significant for future plans and future carrier as it provides relevant background and explains important issues being operated in business environment. Apparently, the course is promising, because it pays attention to existing theories of business and applies them to business-related communications. A person would surely benefit from such knowledge.Further expectations are to become aware of necessary practical skills how to develop effective communication, how to avoid barriers and how to develop leadership, managerial, administrative and organizational potential. MBA will give an opportunity to become more aware and experienced in dealing with business issues. After the course I’ll increase my awareness how to improve communication cross-culturally and within organization.The course provides lots of opportunities for self-improvement and self-perfection. That is why I am really interested and motivated to enter MBA Program. Speaking about my leadership skills I want to say that I am very flexible person and I am able to work in team and under pressure. I am able to adapt to many perplexing and confusing situations and places. I am sure I am able to contribute I have certain experience in leading projects and, thus, have relative knowledge how to manage affairs and accomplish tasks.Also I’d like to underline that I am a person with creative and critical thinking and I am sure that only innovations and new ideas lead to success. Nowadays it is the era of information culture and most facts come from creative thinking. Therefore, my creative abilities always help me to find and marshal good arguments and in formation, to define truth and fallacies. Finally, my positive qualifications are punctuality, assertiveness, readiness develop mentally and intellectually.It is a matter of fact that nowadays the labor environment remains highly competitive and more people are tending to seek for knowledge improvement in order to find better job opportunities. Nowadays everything is swiftly changing and many things can be improved. I think MBA Program is the primary source of information as it provides relevant studies conducted by professors and teachers.ReferencesHow to write an Admission Essay and Personal Statement. (2006, August 26). Retrieved June 24, 2007, from http://admissionsuccess.endlex.com
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Marketing Interface with other Functional Areas
Marketing's Relationship with other Functions Functions within an organizationThe marketing function within any organization does not exist in isolation. Therefore it's important to see how marketing connects with and permeates other functions within the organization†¦. marketing interacts with research and development, production/operations/logistics, human resources, IT and customer service.Research and developmentResearch and development is the engine within an organization which generates new ideas, innovations and creative new products and services. For example cell phone/mobile phone manufacturers are in an industry that is ever changing and developing, and in order to survive manufacturers need to continually research and develop new software and hardware to compete in a very busy marketplace. Think about cell phones that were around three or four years ago which are now completely obsolete. The research and development process delivers new products and is continually inn ovating.Innovative products and services usually result from a conscious and purposeful search for innovation opportunities which are found only within a few situations.Peter Drucker (1999)Research and development should be driven by the marketing concept. The needs of consumers or potential consumers should be central to any new research and development in order to deliver products that satisfy customer needs (or service of course). The practical research and development is undertaken in central research facilities belonging to companies, universities and sometimes to countries.Marketers would liaise with researchers and engineers in order to make sure that customer needs are represented. Manufacturing processes themselves could also be researched and developed based upon some aspects of the marketing mix. For example logistics (place/distribution/channel) could be researched in order to deliver products more efficiently and effectively to customers.Production/operations/logisti csAs with research and development, the operations, production and logistics functions within business need to work in cooperation with the marketing department.Operations include many other activities such as warehousing, packaging and distribution. To an extent, operations also includes production and manufacturing, as well as logistics. Production is where goods and services are generated and made. For example an aircraft is manufactured in a factory which is in effect how it is produced i.e. production. Logistics is concerned with getting the product from production or warehousing, to retail or the consumer in the most effective and efficient way. Today logistics would include warehousing, trains, planes and lorries as well as technology used for real-time tracking.Obviously marketers need to sell products and services that are currently in stock or can be made within a reasonable time limit. An unworkable scenario for a business is where marketers are attempting to increase sal es of a product whereby the product cannot be supplied. Perhaps there is a warehouse full of other products that our marketing campaign is ignoring.Human resourcesHuman Resource Management (HRM) is the function within your organization which overlooks recruitment and selection, training, and the professional development of employees. Other related functional responsibilities include well-being, employee motivation, health and safety, performance management, and of course the function holds knowledge regarding the legal aspects of human resources.So when you become a marketing manager you would use the HR department to help you recruit a marketing assistant for example. They would help you with scoping out the job, a person profile, a job description, and advertising the job. HR would help you to score and assess application forms, and will organise the interviews. They may offer to assist at interview and will support you as you make your job offer. You may also use HR to organise a n induction for your new employee. Of course there is the other side of the coin, where HR sometimes has to get tough with underperforming employees. These are the operational roles of HR.Your human resources Department also have a strategic role., human resources sees people as a valuable asset to the organization. they assist with a global approach to managing people and help to develop a workplace culture and environment which focuses on mission and values.They also have an important communications role, and this is one aspect of their function which is most closely related to marketing. For example the HR department may run a staff development programme which needs a newsletter or a presence on your intranet. This is part of your internal marketing effort.IT (websites, intranets and extranets)As marketers we are concerned with how technology is used to treat information i.e. how we get information, how we process it, how we store the information, and then how we disseminate it a gain by voice, image or graphics. Obviously this is a huge field but for our part we need to recognise the importance of websites, intranets and extranets to the marketer.A website is an electronic object which is placed onto the Internet. Often websites are used by businesses for a number of reasons such as to provide information to customers. So customers can interact with the product, customers can buy a product, more importantly customers begin to build a long-term relationship with the marketing company. Information Technology underpins and supports the basis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM),An intranet is an internal website. An intranet is an IT supported process which supplies up-to-date information to employees of the business and other key stakeholders. For example European train operators use an intranet to give up-to-date information about trains to people on the ground supporting customers. An extranet is an internal website which is extended outside the org anization, but it is not a public website. An extranet takes one stage further and provides information directly to customers/distributors/clients. Customers are able to check availability of stock and could check purchase prices for a particular product. For example a car supermarket could check availability of cars from a wholesaler.Customer service provisionCustomer service provision is very much integrated into marketing., customer service takes the needs of the customer as the central driver. customer service function revolves around a series of activities which are designed to facilitate the exchange process by making sure that customers are satisfied.Today customer service provision can be located in a central office or actually in the field where the product is consumed. For example you may call a software manufacturer for some advice and assistance. You may have a billing enquiry. You might even wish to cancel a contract or make changes to it. The customer service provision might be automated, it could be done solely online, or you might speak to a real person especially if you have a complex or technical need.Customer service is supported by IT to make the process of customer support more efficient and effective, and to capture and process data on particular activities. So the marketer needs to make sure that he or she is working with the customer service provision since it is a vital customer interface. The customer service provision may also provide speedy and timely information about new or developing customer needs. For example if you have a promotion which has just been launched you can use thebcustomer service functions to help you check for early signs of success.Finance departmentThe marketing department will need to work closely with the finance department to ensure that: There is an adequate budget to meet the needs for research, promotion and distribution. The finance department has a whole organisation brief to ensure that all the busines s operates within its financial capabilities. They will want all departments to work within their allocated budgets.Like all departments, marketing may wish to overspend if profitable marketing opportunities emerge over the year. The marketing department is likely to concentrate on sales volume and building market share, while the finance department may be more focused on cash flow, covering costs and paying back investment as quickly as possible. The Marketing-Finance approach has been helpful to understand better the impact of the crisis on firms and at the same time provide tools for firms to respond to the crisis so that firms can turn it (at macro level) into an opportunity for the firm to create value.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
An Analysis of Advertisement Essay Essay Example
An Analysis of Advertisement Essay Essay Example An Analysis of Advertisement Essay Essay An Analysis of Advertisement Essay Essay In the Hunter/Gatherer subdivision of Omnivore’s Dilemma. Pollan talks about what it takes to carry through the undertaking of developing a repast on his ain ; accordingly. the people of today’s society are so used to the copiousness of nutrient that they have no thought what all is involved in set uping a full repast. Americans take this great copiousness of nutrient for granted. which causes an increased craving for more. This is where the universe of advertizement has been the strongest. One of the easiest ways to make people is through their nutrient ; hence. major nutrient industries try to entice people in at all costs merely to purchase their merchandises. The Fast nutrient industry is the ringleader of all this hocus-pocus. They try their best to do people believe that their nutrient is the best on the market. and in this procedure they hide several of their defects with a beautiful or really appealing advertizement. The creative activity of an advertizement has been broken down into a specific scientific discipline where the Godhead of the advertizement can specifically nail the targeted audience’s involvements. The advertizement of industrial nutrients has become a major failing in the American civilization ; accordingly. the factors of this failing semen from the inability for omnivores to do the right determination on what to eat. whether or non the nutrient is good for them. the deficiency of courtesy for others and themselves. and the failure to see through the pretty colourss and the attractive frontage advertizements display. One illustration of this corruptness of nutrient civilization can be viewed in a simple Carl’s Jr. ad. In this advertizement. there is depicted a beefburger and few lines of text. but the simpleness of this ad is what makes it all the more deceiving. The Godhead of this ad uses several pictural techniques in order to capture anyone that may see it. First of all. the colourss in the beefburger are superb and attention-getting such as: the perfect aureate colour of the benne seed roll ; the bright yellow of the cheese between two beds of absolutely charbroiled beef cakes ; the vibrant red of the catsup ; and the absolutely fresh expression of the tomatoes. onions. and boodle. This ad rives its viewing audiences to believe that this beefburger is ideal and seems about touchable. As though the superb colourss of the beefburger was non plenty. the Godhead of this ad uses a black background in order to light all the hamburger’s greatest properties. As the ad is farther examined. the three line of white. bolded text is ineluctable. particularly on the black background. Another manner the advertizer attracts the spectator is through the placement of the ad on the posting. hoarding. etc. Here in this peculiar ad. the image has about perfect axial balance. This means that the chief focal point of the ad. the Burger. is the cardinal point of the whole ad. and this is decidedly the first thing the advertizer wants his viewing audiences to see. Another thing about the orientation of the image is about looks 3-dimensional. The advertizer does this so that the spectator can acquire as near to the Burger without smelling it or savoring it as possible. The following biggest thing on the advertizement is the tricky phrase that is in a particular fount and size that is the following thing that catches the oculus. The atmosphere in the Carl’s Jr. dvertisement is that of a bold hungriness and besides casually rough. This temper is set non merely by the image but besides by what the words imply. The phrase printed on the ad. â€Å" She’ll Tell you size doesn’t affair. She’s lying†is an old gag that is rough and degrading for adult females. Here. in an implicit in manner. adult females are itemized and they are s een as some sort of award alternatively of a human being. Not merely does the text degrade adult females but besides work forces. It degrades work forces in that the Godhead of this advertisement thinks that all work forces walk around believing about sex all the clip. Unfortunately. this is likely true. and it is a reasonably â€Å"low blow†to take advantage of such a serious failing. Pollan states that one of the omnivore’s often asked inquiry is â€Å"What should we make for dinner†( 1 ) . When seeking for the reply. people will seek it anyplace. and unhappily. many autumn into the coarseness of this ad. Pollan explains this impression when he says. â€Å"When you can eat merely about anything nature has to offer. make up ones minding what you should eat will necessarily stir anxiousness. particularly when some of the possible nutrients on offer are apt to kill you†( 3 ) . Although a beefburger may non kill person. the innuendo of sex in the ad can drag people down to the awful oily degree of the Burger. Although this ad is rough and deceptive. the Godhead of it uses poignancy. ethos and logos really good in order to make a future consumer. The poignancy. or emotion. that the advertizer sets through his ad is that of sex and pride. Both of these are non really stated in the ad. but these are the emotions that take topographic point when the ad is comprehended. The Godhead of this ad has a certain mark. and that mark is any adult male over the age of 13. He uses their greatest failing. their sex thrust. to entice them I to desiring one of those Burgers. This usage of sexual mention is a really good illustration of Son because the Godhead uses the maneuver of proving men’s pride. A great sum of a man’s pride comes from his sexual gifts. Here in this article those gifts are being tested from the point of view of about stating. â€Å"Are you adult male adequate to eat this Burger? †The ethos of this ad though is low. Usually it is non right to take advantage of someone’s greatest failing. which is done here to work forces. But. because of the on-going conflict between fast nutrient ironss today. it is of import to take advantage of any failing the consumer may hold in order to win their concern. The function of this Carl’s Jr. advertizement is an first-class illustration of how the universe views nutrient and the deficiency of regard for it. The statement made in the text is a petroleum. humourous. platitude gag that has been a small over used. The advertizer shows non merely his degree of adulthood. but besides the adulthood of the consumers that fall for this fast one. It is non merely what the words say on the ad that makes it incorrect. but what the words imply. This implicit in mention towards sex is likely the lowest advertizers could make to appeal to their targeted consumers. Where in a beefburger does person acquire sexual aspirations? There is nil sexy or in any manner appealing of person eating a elephantine. mussy beefburger. For people to be satisfied in their nutrient because it is advertised in this manner is absurd and disrespectful non merely to the nutrient itself. but besides the people who prepared it. In this peculiar Carl’s Jr. ad. all that is shown is the glorious terminal merchandise of a long line of â€Å"dirty work†. and the jobber who did that work is forgotten. If people had to travel back to the yearss when the repast had to provided without the aid industry. there would be a whole new degree of regard for those who work to bring forth those nutrients. The hunter/ gatherer group was allowed to see a little part of what steps it takes to acquire a repast on the tabular array from the really get downing. The greatest quandary that they faced was happening adequate nutrient. and in the beginning. holding nutrient at all. Although this was a great obstruction. it besides gave the group a sense of achievement when they had conquered the undertaking bring forthing a complete repast without the aid of anything but nature. This manner of life is how people had to make it before there were any industrial nutrient ironss. It has about become a lost art. Pollan explains this when he says. â€Å"Now there are some people ( though non all that many of them any longer ) for whom such a radically self-made repast exists steadfastly in the kingdom of possibility. I am non one of them†( 277 ) . He uses himself as an illustration of this loss of civilization and heritage. In this advertizement of the Carl’s Jr. Super Star with cheese. many things can be taken from the simple image of the Burger and the text. The fast nutrient industry has ruined people because they have all the nutrient they need at a speedy inexpensive monetary value. and unluckily this has caused people to take the life necessity of nutrient for granted. Peoples have perverted the nutrient industry with their deficiency of regard for nutrient and themselves through the nutrient they eat and the manner that nutrient is sometimes advertised. Industrial nutrient ironss make their ads look so perfect and tasty. but unluckily. the existent thing is nowhere near what is advertised. Fast nutrient is a fast one that everyone is falling for. This speedy nutrient blinds people to the difficult work it takes to acquire the repast from the field to the tabular array.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Car Killer
Electricity is always part of our lives in the late 1990's, as GM's efforts to put electric cars on the market are reasonable, as people will start using electric cars as they think . In that way, the car will be a higher model than other models with zero emissions and stylish design, GM EV 1 is ruthless and has no gas and no oil at all. Many people think this car is the answer to the smog problem we are facing, but we will prevent global warming and solve the planet's environmental problems more. At the end there is a murderer. If this murderer is a human being, he will never run. He or she always walks very slowly, but he always keeps up with the victim, regardless of whether he is running or taking a car. This killer is always very creative about killing. Murder is not the same. The murderer like to make it interesting. The murderer finally died in the movie, and the heroes felt they won, but the murderer actually did not die many times, and there was a sequel to the new group. Di fferent stereotypes of the same name Serial killer is a foresightful serial killer. A foresight continuous killer thinks I saw a vision that they heard that sound and ordered murder. For example, David Barkowitz, known as Sam's Son claimed to have killed six young ladies and their boyfriend, as though they had parked in New York's Lovers' alley, and thought that the dog was alive did. In the hole of the wall. His apartment told him to do so. Foresight continuous killers often suffer from serious mental illness. The second type of serial killer is task oriented. The motivation for these serial killers is to eliminate certain types of people. They never saw the vision of listening to that sound or ordering to kill. Instead, they believe that the victims are unwelcome and that they will kill a noble mission. The victims of job-oriented serial killers may be homosexuals, prostitutes, members of a particular religion, or members of a particular race or ethnic group There are two serial k illers, an organizational serial killer and a disorderly serial killer. The systematic serial killer is very smart and has a plot of murder. They usually have murder weapons, they contract, they carefully leave no evidence, but take souvenirs. Some people may also leave trademarks or exceptional clues to discard the detectives. Psychiatric patients are usually systematic continuous killers. Psychiatric patients usually know the difference between right and wrong. On the other hand, an unorganized serial killer kills people whenever there is a chance; they are cluttered, leaving clues like fingerprints, blood, and even semen. Psychiatric continuous killers are often confused with crime and are more likely to be arrested. These serial killers are often not in contact with society.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Traditional Roman Republic Virtues versus Christian Virtues Essay
Traditional Roman Republic Virtues versus Christian Virtues - Essay Example Perpetua and Lucretia depict different virtues as women, wherein Perpetua is shown as virtuous because she willingly accepted suffering for her faith, while Lucretia took suffering in her own hands and asked others to avenge her marred integrity because she and her society assigned ultimate virtue on her sexual purity. Perpetua is different from Lucretia because she lived by the Christian virtue of suffering for her faith rather than renouncing it. She shows courage in accepting her suffering. Her punishment was to face gladiators, and, before they killed her, she told her brother and others: â€Å"You must all stand fast in the faith and love one another, and do not be weakened by what we have gone through.†She embraced her suffering with pride and love. Lucretia did not die for her religious beliefs, but because of her soiled sexuality. She did not even wait for others to punish her for being impure. She said this before committing suicide: â€Å"I will absolve myself of b lame, and I will not free myself from punishment. No woman shall use Lucretia as her example in dishonor.†She could not accept living anymore after being raped because she and her society believed that women must be sexually pure (i.e. have sexual relations only with their husbands). Lucretia killed herself because of her shame, while Perpetua sacrificed her life for her Christian faith.The male interlocutors in these women’s lives lived according to their cultural virtues, wherein Christian males in Perpetua’s life suffered with her.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Developing and Transitional Economies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Developing and Transitional Economies - Essay Example Professionals, who have talents, transfer to developed nations in search of better living standards. To increase the standard of living in developing nations; proper infrastructure needs to be developed, literacy rate needs to be increased and investment rates need to elevate. Developing countries face the curse of low productivity due to low saving rate as there are very few attractive saving options. Even those who have the power to save, transfer their funds to developed nations to gain higher returns. Foreign aid is one of the best ways for developing underdeveloped nations, foreign aid is used to build infrastructure, develop educational and medical centers (Gravelle, 1992, p.300). Two countries having same size can have different living standards. Living standard is calculated by dividing national income with the number of people, this tells us the income earned by each individual at an average (World Bank, 2009, p.391). This measure does not helps in identifying what actually per house in a particular country is spending as certain households may be spending the highest percentage of the total national
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Reach Out and Touch Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reach Out and Touch - Coursework Example She does this in attempts to describe the color of her skin and declares it magical as the child seems never to have seen someone of her color before. In addition, the child’s expectations of the neck to come off by touching it indicate a wonder from the child’s perspective. The difference in skin color between the children and the narrator is what drives the children into reaching out to her out of wonder as it seems as though they have never seen such before. From the narrator’s perspective, it seems her skin color has attracted more attention towards her as she appears to be used to it and even sees it okay for the children to touch her. In respect to age, the children’s reaction to the colored woman is with wonder and innocence while the grown women react differently. The mother’s child disciplines her children by slapping their hands and hushing them off, while the narrator smiles at them and even wishes she was seated next to them to assure them that their reactions were okay. When I was about five years, my family was hosting my aunts and uncles for a Thanks Giving ceremony. One of my uncles, however, didn’t look like the rest, according to my judgment. He looked scary and I did not not want to be anywhere near him. The rest of the family seemed not to be worried and actually behaved as though he was normal. I however came to learn that he had survived third degree burns on his body after arsonists burned down his
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Youth Crime Juvenile
Youth Crime Juvenile Everyone needs proper love and care from his or her parents. Growing up, a lot of changes takes place and come the adolescent period, learning about life takes on full force. This means that a person could either be influenced into taking a positive or negative person in character. This goes to show that juveniles do not turn into criminals overnight. There is always tell-tale signs before anything bad occurs. These youths would have been craving for their parents attention for a long period. Therefore, it is safe to say that more often than not, youths who turn to committing crimes lack parental guidance and attention, thus driven by negative influences to seek attention, fun and cheap thrills through the wrong methods. Juvenile crimes are on the rise these days. Juveniles are law offenders aged mostly from 12-17. However, certain books or journals would state the starting age at 10 and end it at 18. Therefore, there are no exact age group. Instead, a rough estimation that youths are those in their teens. Usually, youths do not commit serious offences. They are more prone to petty crimes like traffic offences, drug addiction, and even illegal immigrants (Kassim n.d.) However, illegal immigrants do not mean that Malaysian youths travel aboard without passports; instead it implies the number of youths who enter the country illegally. Drug offences are also one of the highest because although illegal and a lot are being done to stop it, drugs and narcotics are still, unfortunately, within reach of anyone. This covers trading, transporting, smuggling and even private consumption of drugs. The causes of youths turning to crimes have a wide range of reasons. This includes the internal reasons, which is the background of the individual himself, and the external reasons which is the area he lives in and the peers he mixes with. We start off with the internal reason, which is the individuals background. It has been shown that broken homes are a main factor on why youths rebel and turn to crimes. This is because the child who does not have enough love and care from his family will have low self-esteem, become lonely and will soon develop anger and hatred towards others due to his own lack of guidance (Kassim n.d.). Parents who are too strict or too lenient, despite giving adequate attention to the child too can produce negative attitudes. When a parent is too strict, they have the concept of children should only do as told, not what is right (Wickliffe n.d.). this is because a child that have no say on his own would go out into the outside world and behave as he likes without knowing the consequences of his action. On the other hand, parents who are too lenient too have bad effects on kids. This is because a child who has too much freedom gets away with anything he did easily, no matter how serious his faults are. Next, theres the home environment factor. Homes that are dilapidated beyond the acceptable level causes stress towards the kids, thus causing them to stray outside their homes (Kassim n.d.). They do not feel at ease staying in an uncomfortable house, therefore they go out to release the stress. However, the group of people they meet outside their home is a whole different matter. Once outside their home and away from the watchful eye of their parents, youths tend to hang out with peers of the same fate. This means that the people they mix with are probably also homeless and steal or rob for a living, or are addicts. The financial status of the individual is another major cause for delinquency. Youths who do not come from financially secured families are prone to thefts. Their reasons are that they have to support their families and themselves. Now, we talk about the external factors. Peer influences and the open-ness of the media are also to blame for the rise in juvenile crimes. Peer influences are usually closer to home and places where the youths hang out. Peer influences are very easily absorbed because even a normal youth have troubles fitting into the crowd, what more would a troubled teen feel? In order to be accepted, youths tend to mix around with peers of the same age or group, e.g. same race, background, or even history. The media plays an unfortunately high role in these juvenile crimes because the effects of the programs shown are absorbed in a blink of an eye. The television does not care what ages of audience are watching (Reasons for Juvenile Crime n.d.). The amount of graphic and violent shows aired on TV is enough to tell a child that crimes are a norm in the world. These leads to the children growing up to be youths who want to emulate what they see on TV. Not only that, the youths turn into violent indi viduals and release their anger in a wrong manner. These youths have highly aggressive behaviours. The area that a youth lives in is also another factor to why he turns into a criminal (Milburn 1999). This is because when a person lives in a notorious area, the people living there are the people whom he communicates most. This means that they â€Å"bad†people are your closest friends, thus youd hang out together often, doing things that the majority wants to do, which is more often than not, negative activities. The area alone is never at fault of such delinquencies. It is often coupled with peer influences that, together, group up to be one strong influence. In the long run, the youth who was once innocent, starts to indulge in crimes, starting small, then slowly gathering courage to increase to weight of the crime. There are ways to curb these problems. Firstly, there is the â€Å"start from home†solution. This means that the parents of youths itself should monitor their childrens reaction to anger, distress and negative emotions. Parents should be able to recognise a childs bad behaviour and nip it from the bud. When the problem is identified, it is easier to help the parents help the child. If a child tends to show absolute anger to the slightest thing, then it is best that the child is sent for psychological treatment. Another method is not involving the parents only, but also the school. The schools and higher learning institutions should have stricter rules and regulations (The Solution to Juvenile Crime Is Simple n.d). For example, when a student is absent, the teachers and lecturers should take the initiative to inform parents. They should understand that a child is being placed under their responsibility for a certain period of time in a day. Students who misbehave in schools shouldnt be slapped with penalty points and just forgotten. Parents must be informed. Solutions to these juvenile problems are harder to execute, because the consent of the youth must be gained. Without it, the youth may refuse to receive treatment and therefore not attend the courses prepared. The use of psychologists is usually recommended for anger management. This is a one-on-one process, which is private and personal, thus encouraging the youth to be more honest and open. This would ensure that the youth has the best and professional method of help, instead of just seminars and talks which more often than not, is ignore and attended just because they have to. Next step is usually done when the juvenile is already caught. He is sent for a rehabilitation program (Kassim n.d). This program varies for youths who are already educated from every level and youth who were school drop-outs. This is because fully educated juveniles have a shorter period of rehab and lesser activities. Within this rehabilitation program too, there are character building camps in order to mould the youth into a better person and making him realise that not everything is not correctable. This program also helps them realise that after prison, they will still be able to blend in with the society (Kassim n.d.). Other than professional help, simple things like community programs are also helpful. This is because the juveniles are able to mix around healthily in a safe and good environment. The activities are refreshing and recreational, something very much suitable for the youths who have spent long periods behind bars. Not only do the juveniles have an activity to do, he is also making friends and keeping out of trouble at the same time. This is not only benefiting the parents, but also the society. The society can rest assured that there are steps taken to ensure that a good living environment is catered to them. The conclusion of my research paper is that the steps in preventing these increasing numbers are obviously not sufficient. This is because if the steps and methods used to curb these happenings are working, the numbers would not be increasing and the newspapers would not be printing that much of juvenile cases almost everyday. We should not only rely on the policemen and schools. Instead, the parents and friends of these juveniles should be supportive in helping them believe that they can change their lives, and still be accepted regardless of their past history. The community will be a better place, and so will the country be more peaceful if everyone worked together to ensure that their children does not stray through the wrong path in life. If everyone care and was serious in stopping their children from sitting behind bars, then surely lesser teens would be involved in crimes due to the â€Å"lack of attention†factor. The society should work together in ensuring that the youths of today really become leaders of tomorrow, and that the saying does not become a forgotten theory. If everyone just keep pointing fingers onto one another, nothing will change and the numbers of juvenile delinquencies will just keep on increasing. References: Kassim, Abd Wahab Juveniles on Remand: Trends and Practises in Malaysia Retrieved; November 17, 2007, from http://www.unafei.or.jp/english/pdf/PDF_rms/no68/13_Malaysia_p196-208.pdf Wickliffe, Joseph A Why Juveniles Commit Crimes Retrieved: November 17, 2007, from http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/2000/2/00.02.07.x.html#top Five Year Juvenile Delinquency Trends and Conditions Retrieved: November 18, 2007, from http://www.djj.state.fl.us/Research/Trends.html#top Juvenile Justice: Facts And Figures Retrieved: November 18, 2007, from http://www.abanet.org/media/jjqa.html Milburn, Caroline 1999, Leap in violent juvenile crime Retrieved: November 18, 2007, from http://www.fww.org/famnews/0322a.htm Reasons for Juvenile Crime Retrieved: November 18, 2007, from http://www.cyberessays.com/Politics/84.htm The Solution to Juvenile Crime Is Simple Retrieved: November 19, 2007, from http://www.public.asu.edu/~jvanasu/ucai/rose/
Friday, October 25, 2019
Pandas Essay -- essays research papers fc
     The giant panda only exists at present in six small areas located in inland China. The habitat, suitable for the bamboo on which it survives, is a cold, damp coniferous forest. The elevation ranges from 1,200 to 3,400 meters high. In most of the areas in which they still roam wild, they must compete with farmers who farm the river valleys and the lower slopes of the mountains. It is estimated that there are somewhere around 700 and 1,000 giant pandas still alive in the wild. Because of their reliance on bamboo as their primary food, they will remain in significant danger unless their present habitat is expanded. The differing varieties of bamboo go through periodic die-offs as part of their renewal cycle. Without the ability to move to new areas which have not been affected, starvation and death will certainly occur for the giant panda. Such die-offs of the bamboo also put the giant pandas in more direct contact with farmers and poachers as the bears try to find new areas in which to feed.      Pandas have few natural enemies other than man, so the life-span of giant pandas in the wild is thought to be twenty-five years or more.      Giant pandas have forepaws which are extremely flexible. Evolution has given them an enlarged wrist bone that works in the manner of an opposable thumb. This highly functional adaptation allows the giant panda to manipulate their primary food source, bamboo stems ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Outlook Towards Maintenance of Liquid Assets to Ensure
How to maintenance of liquid assets to ensure frm has adequate cash? Asking the above-referenced question without statistics makes it impossible for anyone to give you a proper answer. Generally speaking, you must limit expenses and ensure that some of your assets are in the form of short term assets. The higher your short term assets and the less your short term debt, the better your ability to pay the debt (short term liquidity ratio / liquidity ratio help you determine this). There is no perfect number or ratio for every firm. Each industry/business is unique.Strive to control debt (some debt is very good since it helps a business grow) and to maintain enough assets in the form of cash and cash equivalents Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975 Maintenance of liquid assets (1) Every company shall, before the 30th day of April of each year, deposit or invest, as the case may be, a sum which shall not be less than 23[fifteen per cent] of the amount of its deposits maturing d uring the year ending on the 31st day of March next following in any one or more of the following methods, namely: a) in a current or other deposit account with any scheduled bank, free charge of lien; (b) in unencumbered securities of the Central Government or of any State Government; (c) in unencumbered securities mentioned in clauses (a) to (d) and (ee) of section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882); 24[(d) in unencumbered bonds issued by the Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited, Bombay, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), and notified under clause (f) of section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882)]: 5[Provided that with relation to the deposits maturing during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1979, the sum required to be deposited or invested under this sub-rule shall be deposited or invested before the 26[30th day of September, 1978]. ] Explanation. – For the purpose of this sub-rule, the securities re ferred to in clause (b) or clause (c) shall be reckoned at their market value. 2) The amount deposited or invested, as the case may be, under sub-rule (1), shall not be utilized for any purpose other than for the repayment of deposits maturing during the year referred to in that sub-rule, provided that the amount remaining deposited or invested, as the case may be, shall not at any time fall below 23[fifteen per cent] of the amount of deposits maturing until the 31st day of March of that year. ] Maintainence of Liquidity in Business One of the principal aims of a Manager is the maintenance of liquid assets.Maintenance of liquid assets connotes that the firm always has enough cash in hand to pay for – 1. Recurring Expenses 2. To make unexpected large purchases 3. To meet emergencies at all times The best way to maintain a cash flow is to prevent overdue accounts and avert a blockage in the inflow of income. The ideal way to do this would be avoiding doing business with custome rs who have proven bad credit histories however, on the other hand rigid customer policies limiting the firms business with companies having only irreproachable credit records would deplete the firm's pool of potential customers.With the Management looking at expanding the business it becomes necessary to do business with most people who want to do business with you. The reality of a growing business is that the biggest and best clients also want sufficient billing period and then ask for two months time for making payments. Here is where the Manager is caught between two horns. While the firm does not want to lose clients or destroy any potential or established business relationships by laying down harsh payment terms, it is also necessary for the Manager to take some control of accounts receivable to avoid causing chaos with the cash flow.Expansion of business requires extension of credit and when a firm extends credit, it is in effect loaning customers money, which in turn affect s liquidity as any company wants to be reasonably sure that the money will be paid back. The primary step towards maintenance of liquid assets therefore commences with verification of ‘customer credit worthiness’. Certain steps can be taken to check whether the customer is good enough on his payments- 1. Check each company’s credit history before extending credit. 2. Check how long the company has been in business. 3. Obtain Credit Reports as they show historical payment data; bankruptcy records; any
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Moral and Social Philosophy
Moral philosophy is focused on the habits, customs, and values of a certain individual (Wikipedia, 2007). It has the following sub-categories: meta-ethics; normative ethics; as well as, applied ethics (Wikipedia, 2007). One of the major contributors of this school of thought is Immanuel Kant who said that â€Å"deontology†holds that an act is considered to be right if it goes with the moral rule or principle (Ethical.., 2001). For example, parents will have to decide whether or not to have their children immunized. Since it is required by the law then the parents will have to allow their children to be immunized; it is the right thing to do because it goes along with the moral rule or principle (Ethical.., 2007). Social Philosophy Social philosophy is technically defined as a study which addresses dilemmas concerning social/human behaviors (Wikipedia, 2007). It covers the following areas: effects of culture, effects of science, revolution, social contract, etc (Wikipedia, 2007). Simply put, social philosophy concerns itself with moral principles as applied to problems of equality, freedom, as well as, justice (Wikipedia, 2007). One of the major contributors of social philosophy is John Locke who stated that: men are equal, free, as well as independent; thus, they possess the faculty of reason, which gives them the right to preserve their property including their life, liberty, as well as, estates (Bennagen, 2000). In addition to that, he believes that the state of nature is one that is in a state of perfect equality, freedom, liberty, and rationality but it is possible to turn into a state of war especially in cases where there exists the absence of a common judge (Bennagen, 2000). Thus, for him, entering into social contract is necessitated so as not to go through anything that is similar to the state of war (Bennagen, 2000). Last but not least, he also believes that the people have the right to resist a government that tyrannical in nature (Bennagen, 2000). Subjectivism Subjectivism is the act of making moral judgments, however, based on an individual’s emotion (Ethics.., n.d.). For example, in judging if something is â€Å"nice†, an individual has to have a positive emotions about it otherwise it should not be labeled or declared as something â€Å"nice†(Ethics.., n.d.). Advocates of subjectivism claim that since moral judgments are decided upon subjectively or basing on emotions, then individuals are fully rational during such a period (Ethics.., n.d.). The major problem with subjectivism, however, is that, since it is based on emotions, the person may all the more arrive at wrong decisions or judgments, for example, dating a nice and handsome young but married man may feel nice but that doesn’t mean it is moral to do so (Ethics.., n.d.). One kind of subjectivism is known as metaphysical subjectivism and one of the major contributors of the aforementioned school of thought is Descartes (Wikipedia, 2007). Egoism Ethical egoism or simply egoism is doing something to fulfill an individual’s own interest whether it may be good or harmful to other people (Wikipedia, 2007). Egoism does not take into consideration the well-being of others nor does it do anything to be of assistance or help to others (Wikipedia, 2007). One of the contributors of this particular school of thought is Thomas Hobbes who advocated that self-interests should be pursued and practiced so that freedom may be equal to everybody (Wikipedia, 2007). He also believes that even if there is self-interest, it is impossible that an individual may be harmed because humans are typically the same when it comes to their wants and needs (Wikipedia, 2007). Virtue Ethics Virtue Ethics is where Aristotle’s moral theory is taken into consideration (Ethical.., 2001). Here, it is said that â€Å"an act is right if it is what a virtuous agent would do in the circumstances†(Ethical.., 2001). Let’s take for instance, the case on immunization, currently, there is a dilemma with regards to having every child immunized before going to school, utilizing virtue ethics in critical thinking, parents may decide that they will allow their children to be immunized because it is not only good for their children, but it will benefit all the others as well (Ethical.., 2001). Ethical Relativism Ethical relativism is where social, personal, historical, as well as, cultural considerations are the basis of one’s judgment or decision (Wikipedia, 2007). A contributor to this school of thought named Jean-Paul Sartre in fact claims that somebody’s morals, if any, will be proven only if the person follows certain social norms (Wikipedia, 2007). Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism is built on the concept or principles of utility, which he believes is the foundation of morals (Bennagen, 2000). It holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Bennagen, 2000). Happiness, according to John Stuart Mill, is equated to pleasure and the absence of pain, while unhappiness, for him, refers to pain and the privation of pleasure (Bennagen, 2000). Categorical Imperative This rationally dictates a course of action independent of whatever goals the agent may have (Encarta, 2007). By this, Immanuel Kant also meant that the moral law is categorical or that it applies to all situations, and by imperative, he meant, it is commanding, thus making it absolutely authoritative (Gaarder, 1991). Immanuel Kant stated the Categorical Imperative in two key formulations: 1) Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a general natural law (Encarta, 2007), meaning, that it should apply to all people in all societies at all times (Gaarder, 1991); and 2) Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only (Encarta, 2007). By this statement, he meant, we should not exploit others to our own advantage (Gaarder, 1991). References Bennagen, Pia. (2000). Social, Economic and Political Thought. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. Encarta. (2005). Immanuel Kant. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from http://www.encarta.com. Ethical Theories Compared. (2001). Retrieved May 26, 2007 from http://www.trinity.edu. Ethics 02 – Subjectivism. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2007 from http://www.jcu.edu/philosophy/gensler/et/et-02-00.htm Gaarder, Jostein. (1991). Sophie’s World. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc., Wikipedia. (2007). Cogito Ergo Sum. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cogito_Ergo_Sum Wikipedia. (2007). Egoism. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethical_egoism Wikipedia. (2007). Ethical Relativism. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethical_relativism Wikipedia. (2007). Moral Philosophy. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_philosophy Wikipedia. (2007). Social Philosophy. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_philosophy     Â
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