Thursday, October 31, 2019
Developing and Transitional Economies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Developing and Transitional Economies - Essay Example Professionals, who have talents, transfer to developed nations in search of better living standards. To increase the standard of living in developing nations; proper infrastructure needs to be developed, literacy rate needs to be increased and investment rates need to elevate. Developing countries face the curse of low productivity due to low saving rate as there are very few attractive saving options. Even those who have the power to save, transfer their funds to developed nations to gain higher returns. Foreign aid is one of the best ways for developing underdeveloped nations, foreign aid is used to build infrastructure, develop educational and medical centers (Gravelle, 1992, p.300). Two countries having same size can have different living standards. Living standard is calculated by dividing national income with the number of people, this tells us the income earned by each individual at an average (World Bank, 2009, p.391). This measure does not helps in identifying what actually per house in a particular country is spending as certain households may be spending the highest percentage of the total national
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Reach Out and Touch Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reach Out and Touch - Coursework Example She does this in attempts to describe the color of her skin and declares it magical as the child seems never to have seen someone of her color before. In addition, the child’s expectations of the neck to come off by touching it indicate a wonder from the child’s perspective. The difference in skin color between the children and the narrator is what drives the children into reaching out to her out of wonder as it seems as though they have never seen such before. From the narrator’s perspective, it seems her skin color has attracted more attention towards her as she appears to be used to it and even sees it okay for the children to touch her. In respect to age, the children’s reaction to the colored woman is with wonder and innocence while the grown women react differently. The mother’s child disciplines her children by slapping their hands and hushing them off, while the narrator smiles at them and even wishes she was seated next to them to assure them that their reactions were okay. When I was about five years, my family was hosting my aunts and uncles for a Thanks Giving ceremony. One of my uncles, however, didn’t look like the rest, according to my judgment. He looked scary and I did not not want to be anywhere near him. The rest of the family seemed not to be worried and actually behaved as though he was normal. I however came to learn that he had survived third degree burns on his body after arsonists burned down his
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Youth Crime Juvenile
Youth Crime Juvenile Everyone needs proper love and care from his or her parents. Growing up, a lot of changes takes place and come the adolescent period, learning about life takes on full force. This means that a person could either be influenced into taking a positive or negative person in character. This goes to show that juveniles do not turn into criminals overnight. There is always tell-tale signs before anything bad occurs. These youths would have been craving for their parents attention for a long period. Therefore, it is safe to say that more often than not, youths who turn to committing crimes lack parental guidance and attention, thus driven by negative influences to seek attention, fun and cheap thrills through the wrong methods. Juvenile crimes are on the rise these days. Juveniles are law offenders aged mostly from 12-17. However, certain books or journals would state the starting age at 10 and end it at 18. Therefore, there are no exact age group. Instead, a rough estimation that youths are those in their teens. Usually, youths do not commit serious offences. They are more prone to petty crimes like traffic offences, drug addiction, and even illegal immigrants (Kassim n.d.) However, illegal immigrants do not mean that Malaysian youths travel aboard without passports; instead it implies the number of youths who enter the country illegally. Drug offences are also one of the highest because although illegal and a lot are being done to stop it, drugs and narcotics are still, unfortunately, within reach of anyone. This covers trading, transporting, smuggling and even private consumption of drugs. The causes of youths turning to crimes have a wide range of reasons. This includes the internal reasons, which is the background of the individual himself, and the external reasons which is the area he lives in and the peers he mixes with. We start off with the internal reason, which is the individuals background. It has been shown that broken homes are a main factor on why youths rebel and turn to crimes. This is because the child who does not have enough love and care from his family will have low self-esteem, become lonely and will soon develop anger and hatred towards others due to his own lack of guidance (Kassim n.d.). Parents who are too strict or too lenient, despite giving adequate attention to the child too can produce negative attitudes. When a parent is too strict, they have the concept of children should only do as told, not what is right (Wickliffe n.d.). this is because a child that have no say on his own would go out into the outside world and behave as he likes without knowing the consequences of his action. On the other hand, parents who are too lenient too have bad effects on kids. This is because a child who has too much freedom gets away with anything he did easily, no matter how serious his faults are. Next, theres the home environment factor. Homes that are dilapidated beyond the acceptable level causes stress towards the kids, thus causing them to stray outside their homes (Kassim n.d.). They do not feel at ease staying in an uncomfortable house, therefore they go out to release the stress. However, the group of people they meet outside their home is a whole different matter. Once outside their home and away from the watchful eye of their parents, youths tend to hang out with peers of the same fate. This means that the people they mix with are probably also homeless and steal or rob for a living, or are addicts. The financial status of the individual is another major cause for delinquency. Youths who do not come from financially secured families are prone to thefts. Their reasons are that they have to support their families and themselves. Now, we talk about the external factors. Peer influences and the open-ness of the media are also to blame for the rise in juvenile crimes. Peer influences are usually closer to home and places where the youths hang out. Peer influences are very easily absorbed because even a normal youth have troubles fitting into the crowd, what more would a troubled teen feel? In order to be accepted, youths tend to mix around with peers of the same age or group, e.g. same race, background, or even history. The media plays an unfortunately high role in these juvenile crimes because the effects of the programs shown are absorbed in a blink of an eye. The television does not care what ages of audience are watching (Reasons for Juvenile Crime n.d.). The amount of graphic and violent shows aired on TV is enough to tell a child that crimes are a norm in the world. These leads to the children growing up to be youths who want to emulate what they see on TV. Not only that, the youths turn into violent indi viduals and release their anger in a wrong manner. These youths have highly aggressive behaviours. The area that a youth lives in is also another factor to why he turns into a criminal (Milburn 1999). This is because when a person lives in a notorious area, the people living there are the people whom he communicates most. This means that they â€Å"bad†people are your closest friends, thus youd hang out together often, doing things that the majority wants to do, which is more often than not, negative activities. The area alone is never at fault of such delinquencies. It is often coupled with peer influences that, together, group up to be one strong influence. In the long run, the youth who was once innocent, starts to indulge in crimes, starting small, then slowly gathering courage to increase to weight of the crime. There are ways to curb these problems. Firstly, there is the â€Å"start from home†solution. This means that the parents of youths itself should monitor their childrens reaction to anger, distress and negative emotions. Parents should be able to recognise a childs bad behaviour and nip it from the bud. When the problem is identified, it is easier to help the parents help the child. If a child tends to show absolute anger to the slightest thing, then it is best that the child is sent for psychological treatment. Another method is not involving the parents only, but also the school. The schools and higher learning institutions should have stricter rules and regulations (The Solution to Juvenile Crime Is Simple n.d). For example, when a student is absent, the teachers and lecturers should take the initiative to inform parents. They should understand that a child is being placed under their responsibility for a certain period of time in a day. Students who misbehave in schools shouldnt be slapped with penalty points and just forgotten. Parents must be informed. Solutions to these juvenile problems are harder to execute, because the consent of the youth must be gained. Without it, the youth may refuse to receive treatment and therefore not attend the courses prepared. The use of psychologists is usually recommended for anger management. This is a one-on-one process, which is private and personal, thus encouraging the youth to be more honest and open. This would ensure that the youth has the best and professional method of help, instead of just seminars and talks which more often than not, is ignore and attended just because they have to. Next step is usually done when the juvenile is already caught. He is sent for a rehabilitation program (Kassim n.d). This program varies for youths who are already educated from every level and youth who were school drop-outs. This is because fully educated juveniles have a shorter period of rehab and lesser activities. Within this rehabilitation program too, there are character building camps in order to mould the youth into a better person and making him realise that not everything is not correctable. This program also helps them realise that after prison, they will still be able to blend in with the society (Kassim n.d.). Other than professional help, simple things like community programs are also helpful. This is because the juveniles are able to mix around healthily in a safe and good environment. The activities are refreshing and recreational, something very much suitable for the youths who have spent long periods behind bars. Not only do the juveniles have an activity to do, he is also making friends and keeping out of trouble at the same time. This is not only benefiting the parents, but also the society. The society can rest assured that there are steps taken to ensure that a good living environment is catered to them. The conclusion of my research paper is that the steps in preventing these increasing numbers are obviously not sufficient. This is because if the steps and methods used to curb these happenings are working, the numbers would not be increasing and the newspapers would not be printing that much of juvenile cases almost everyday. We should not only rely on the policemen and schools. Instead, the parents and friends of these juveniles should be supportive in helping them believe that they can change their lives, and still be accepted regardless of their past history. The community will be a better place, and so will the country be more peaceful if everyone worked together to ensure that their children does not stray through the wrong path in life. If everyone care and was serious in stopping their children from sitting behind bars, then surely lesser teens would be involved in crimes due to the â€Å"lack of attention†factor. The society should work together in ensuring that the youths of today really become leaders of tomorrow, and that the saying does not become a forgotten theory. If everyone just keep pointing fingers onto one another, nothing will change and the numbers of juvenile delinquencies will just keep on increasing. References: Kassim, Abd Wahab Juveniles on Remand: Trends and Practises in Malaysia Retrieved; November 17, 2007, from Wickliffe, Joseph A Why Juveniles Commit Crimes Retrieved: November 17, 2007, from Five Year Juvenile Delinquency Trends and Conditions Retrieved: November 18, 2007, from Juvenile Justice: Facts And Figures Retrieved: November 18, 2007, from Milburn, Caroline 1999, Leap in violent juvenile crime Retrieved: November 18, 2007, from Reasons for Juvenile Crime Retrieved: November 18, 2007, from The Solution to Juvenile Crime Is Simple Retrieved: November 19, 2007, from
Friday, October 25, 2019
Pandas Essay -- essays research papers fc
     The giant panda only exists at present in six small areas located in inland China. The habitat, suitable for the bamboo on which it survives, is a cold, damp coniferous forest. The elevation ranges from 1,200 to 3,400 meters high. In most of the areas in which they still roam wild, they must compete with farmers who farm the river valleys and the lower slopes of the mountains. It is estimated that there are somewhere around 700 and 1,000 giant pandas still alive in the wild. Because of their reliance on bamboo as their primary food, they will remain in significant danger unless their present habitat is expanded. The differing varieties of bamboo go through periodic die-offs as part of their renewal cycle. Without the ability to move to new areas which have not been affected, starvation and death will certainly occur for the giant panda. Such die-offs of the bamboo also put the giant pandas in more direct contact with farmers and poachers as the bears try to find new areas in which to feed.      Pandas have few natural enemies other than man, so the life-span of giant pandas in the wild is thought to be twenty-five years or more.      Giant pandas have forepaws which are extremely flexible. Evolution has given them an enlarged wrist bone that works in the manner of an opposable thumb. This highly functional adaptation allows the giant panda to manipulate their primary food source, bamboo stems ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Outlook Towards Maintenance of Liquid Assets to Ensure
How to maintenance of liquid assets to ensure frm has adequate cash? Asking the above-referenced question without statistics makes it impossible for anyone to give you a proper answer. Generally speaking, you must limit expenses and ensure that some of your assets are in the form of short term assets. The higher your short term assets and the less your short term debt, the better your ability to pay the debt (short term liquidity ratio / liquidity ratio help you determine this). There is no perfect number or ratio for every firm. Each industry/business is unique.Strive to control debt (some debt is very good since it helps a business grow) and to maintain enough assets in the form of cash and cash equivalents Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975 Maintenance of liquid assets (1) Every company shall, before the 30th day of April of each year, deposit or invest, as the case may be, a sum which shall not be less than 23[fifteen per cent] of the amount of its deposits maturing d uring the year ending on the 31st day of March next following in any one or more of the following methods, namely: a) in a current or other deposit account with any scheduled bank, free charge of lien; (b) in unencumbered securities of the Central Government or of any State Government; (c) in unencumbered securities mentioned in clauses (a) to (d) and (ee) of section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882); 24[(d) in unencumbered bonds issued by the Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited, Bombay, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), and notified under clause (f) of section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882)]: 5[Provided that with relation to the deposits maturing during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1979, the sum required to be deposited or invested under this sub-rule shall be deposited or invested before the 26[30th day of September, 1978]. ] Explanation. – For the purpose of this sub-rule, the securities re ferred to in clause (b) or clause (c) shall be reckoned at their market value. 2) The amount deposited or invested, as the case may be, under sub-rule (1), shall not be utilized for any purpose other than for the repayment of deposits maturing during the year referred to in that sub-rule, provided that the amount remaining deposited or invested, as the case may be, shall not at any time fall below 23[fifteen per cent] of the amount of deposits maturing until the 31st day of March of that year. ] Maintainence of Liquidity in Business One of the principal aims of a Manager is the maintenance of liquid assets.Maintenance of liquid assets connotes that the firm always has enough cash in hand to pay for – 1. Recurring Expenses 2. To make unexpected large purchases 3. To meet emergencies at all times The best way to maintain a cash flow is to prevent overdue accounts and avert a blockage in the inflow of income. The ideal way to do this would be avoiding doing business with custome rs who have proven bad credit histories however, on the other hand rigid customer policies limiting the firms business with companies having only irreproachable credit records would deplete the firm's pool of potential customers.With the Management looking at expanding the business it becomes necessary to do business with most people who want to do business with you. The reality of a growing business is that the biggest and best clients also want sufficient billing period and then ask for two months time for making payments. Here is where the Manager is caught between two horns. While the firm does not want to lose clients or destroy any potential or established business relationships by laying down harsh payment terms, it is also necessary for the Manager to take some control of accounts receivable to avoid causing chaos with the cash flow.Expansion of business requires extension of credit and when a firm extends credit, it is in effect loaning customers money, which in turn affect s liquidity as any company wants to be reasonably sure that the money will be paid back. The primary step towards maintenance of liquid assets therefore commences with verification of ‘customer credit worthiness’. Certain steps can be taken to check whether the customer is good enough on his payments- 1. Check each company’s credit history before extending credit. 2. Check how long the company has been in business. 3. Obtain Credit Reports as they show historical payment data; bankruptcy records; any
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Moral and Social Philosophy
Moral philosophy is focused on the habits, customs, and values of a certain individual (Wikipedia, 2007). It has the following sub-categories: meta-ethics; normative ethics; as well as, applied ethics (Wikipedia, 2007). One of the major contributors of this school of thought is Immanuel Kant who said that â€Å"deontology†holds that an act is considered to be right if it goes with the moral rule or principle (Ethical.., 2001). For example, parents will have to decide whether or not to have their children immunized. Since it is required by the law then the parents will have to allow their children to be immunized; it is the right thing to do because it goes along with the moral rule or principle (Ethical.., 2007). Social Philosophy Social philosophy is technically defined as a study which addresses dilemmas concerning social/human behaviors (Wikipedia, 2007). It covers the following areas: effects of culture, effects of science, revolution, social contract, etc (Wikipedia, 2007). Simply put, social philosophy concerns itself with moral principles as applied to problems of equality, freedom, as well as, justice (Wikipedia, 2007). One of the major contributors of social philosophy is John Locke who stated that: men are equal, free, as well as independent; thus, they possess the faculty of reason, which gives them the right to preserve their property including their life, liberty, as well as, estates (Bennagen, 2000). In addition to that, he believes that the state of nature is one that is in a state of perfect equality, freedom, liberty, and rationality but it is possible to turn into a state of war especially in cases where there exists the absence of a common judge (Bennagen, 2000). Thus, for him, entering into social contract is necessitated so as not to go through anything that is similar to the state of war (Bennagen, 2000). Last but not least, he also believes that the people have the right to resist a government that tyrannical in nature (Bennagen, 2000). Subjectivism Subjectivism is the act of making moral judgments, however, based on an individual’s emotion (Ethics.., n.d.). For example, in judging if something is â€Å"nice†, an individual has to have a positive emotions about it otherwise it should not be labeled or declared as something â€Å"nice†(Ethics.., n.d.). Advocates of subjectivism claim that since moral judgments are decided upon subjectively or basing on emotions, then individuals are fully rational during such a period (Ethics.., n.d.). The major problem with subjectivism, however, is that, since it is based on emotions, the person may all the more arrive at wrong decisions or judgments, for example, dating a nice and handsome young but married man may feel nice but that doesn’t mean it is moral to do so (Ethics.., n.d.). One kind of subjectivism is known as metaphysical subjectivism and one of the major contributors of the aforementioned school of thought is Descartes (Wikipedia, 2007). Egoism Ethical egoism or simply egoism is doing something to fulfill an individual’s own interest whether it may be good or harmful to other people (Wikipedia, 2007). Egoism does not take into consideration the well-being of others nor does it do anything to be of assistance or help to others (Wikipedia, 2007). One of the contributors of this particular school of thought is Thomas Hobbes who advocated that self-interests should be pursued and practiced so that freedom may be equal to everybody (Wikipedia, 2007). He also believes that even if there is self-interest, it is impossible that an individual may be harmed because humans are typically the same when it comes to their wants and needs (Wikipedia, 2007). Virtue Ethics Virtue Ethics is where Aristotle’s moral theory is taken into consideration (Ethical.., 2001). Here, it is said that â€Å"an act is right if it is what a virtuous agent would do in the circumstances†(Ethical.., 2001). Let’s take for instance, the case on immunization, currently, there is a dilemma with regards to having every child immunized before going to school, utilizing virtue ethics in critical thinking, parents may decide that they will allow their children to be immunized because it is not only good for their children, but it will benefit all the others as well (Ethical.., 2001). Ethical Relativism Ethical relativism is where social, personal, historical, as well as, cultural considerations are the basis of one’s judgment or decision (Wikipedia, 2007). A contributor to this school of thought named Jean-Paul Sartre in fact claims that somebody’s morals, if any, will be proven only if the person follows certain social norms (Wikipedia, 2007). Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism is built on the concept or principles of utility, which he believes is the foundation of morals (Bennagen, 2000). It holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Bennagen, 2000). Happiness, according to John Stuart Mill, is equated to pleasure and the absence of pain, while unhappiness, for him, refers to pain and the privation of pleasure (Bennagen, 2000). Categorical Imperative This rationally dictates a course of action independent of whatever goals the agent may have (Encarta, 2007). By this, Immanuel Kant also meant that the moral law is categorical or that it applies to all situations, and by imperative, he meant, it is commanding, thus making it absolutely authoritative (Gaarder, 1991). Immanuel Kant stated the Categorical Imperative in two key formulations: 1) Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a general natural law (Encarta, 2007), meaning, that it should apply to all people in all societies at all times (Gaarder, 1991); and 2) Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only (Encarta, 2007). By this statement, he meant, we should not exploit others to our own advantage (Gaarder, 1991). References Bennagen, Pia. (2000). Social, Economic and Political Thought. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. Encarta. (2005). Immanuel Kant. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Ethical Theories Compared. (2001). Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Ethics 02 – Subjectivism. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Gaarder, Jostein. (1991). Sophie’s World. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc., Wikipedia. (2007). Cogito Ergo Sum. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Egoism. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Ethical Relativism. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Moral Philosophy. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Social Philosophy. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from     Â
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